Продукти за ac milan v lazio (47)

Многофункционален ISO количка - Многофункционална клинична количка, оборудвана с ISO мрежести кошници

Многофункционален ISO количка - Многофункционална клинична количка, оборудвана с ISO мрежести кошници

Carro multifunción destinado para facilitar el almacenamiento y distribución de productos médicos. Idóneo para cestas estándar ISO 600x400. Encimera ABS. Fabricado en aluminio con laterales en polipropileno. Tirador y 2 guías laterales para accesorios Ruedas giratorias con topes Ø 125 de materiales sintéticos de alta calidad, no marcante con rodamiento de bolas de precisión. Medidas 725x585x1250
Гел от Алое Вера 97,40% натурални съставки - 500 мл - Възстановява и Успокоява | Натурален Хидратант

Гел от Алое Вера 97,40% натурални съставки - 500 мл - Възстановява и Успокоява | Натурален Хидратант

El Gel Dermatológico Aloe Vera Saluvital, contiene un 97,40% de ingredientes naturales, por sus propiedades naturales, está indicado para el cuidado de la piel y para mantener la hidratación, previniendo la sequedad cutánea e irritaciones y sus consiguientes molestias. Es adecuado y conveniente su uso después de las exposiciones solares, los deportes de invierno (frío, viento…) y en especial después de la depilación y el afeitado. Sus características emolientes e hidratantes proporcionarán a la piel frescor, calma y suavidad. Corporal y Facial *Sin Colorantes *Sin Parabenes. *Sin Alcohol. *Apto para Veganos. C.N:151694.7
Съвместим Brother TN245C TN246C цианов тонер - Brother тонер

Съвместим Brother TN245C TN246C цианов тонер - Brother тонер

Capacité : 2200 Pages A4 @ 5% Compatible avec : Brother TN-241C TN-242C TN-245C TN-246C cyan Compatible avec : DCP-9015CDW DCP-9017CDW DCP-9020CDW DCP-9022CDW HL-3140CW HL-3142CW HL-3150CDN HL-3150CDW HL-3152CDW HL-3170CDW HL-3172CDW MFC-9130CW MFC-9140CDN MFC-9142CDN MFC-9330CDW MFC-9332CDW MFC-9340CDW MFC-9342CDW Garantie : 5 ans SKU:CO-TBCC246UNI
27D Gellak 02 Rood - Професионален гел лак

27D Gellak 02 Rood - Професионален гел лак

27D Gel bestaat uit 250+ mooie kleuren met en zonder glitter, holographic of cat eye en is speciaal ontworpen voor professionele salons en nagelstylisten die op zoek zijn naar betrouwbare en duurzame gellak. De gellak is hoog gepigmenteerd en altijd dekkend in twee dunne laagjes. Is geschikt voor het verstevigen van de natuurlijke nagels maar ook voor acryl of gelnagels. Blijft 3 weken mooi zitten. Uitharding: UV Lamp 2 minuten Led Lamp 30 seconden Ideaal voor nagelstylisten, nagel salons en wellness centers die kwaliteit en efficiëntie eisen van hun producten.
Цифрова Агенция и Е-търговия

Цифрова Агенция и Е-търговия

Basée sur un savoir-faire acquis grâce à plus de 18 ans d’expériences réussies dans l’eBusiness, notre ambition est d’apporter des solutions performantes, innovantes et qualitatives aux entreprises et institutions afin qu’elles développent rapidement leur business (ventes, clients, notoriété,) au travers des nouveaux médias. Accompagner et réussir ensemble passe par une connaissance pointue de votre activité, de vos valeurs, de vos aspirations, de vos besoins et de vos ressources. Nous serons à votre écoute et nos experts n’auront qu’un objectif : vous apporter les meilleures solutions et vous accompagner dans l’élaboration de vos projets digitaux.
Вакуумна помпа с ротационни лопатки - Дуо 1.6/M

Вакуумна помпа с ротационни лопатки - Дуо 1.6/M

Magnetgekuppelt Im Gegensatz zur Standardpumpe verfügen diese Produkte über eine berührungslose Magnetkupplung. Eine Ölleckage an einer verschleißbehafteten konventionellen Wellendichtung ist bei diesen Modellen ausgeschlossen Anwendungen * - Einbau in Analysegeräte * - Einbau in Schwungmassenspeicher (Flywheels) * - Gastechnik Kundennutzen * - Platzsparend und ideal für Systemintegration * - Hohes Saugvermögen bei kleinen Abmessungen * - Niedriger Enddruck * - Wartungsarm, keine Ölleckagen an der Wellendurchführung * - Geringe Betriebskosten, kein Austausch von Wellendichtringen notwendig Duo 1.6 M * - Extrem niedriges Geräusch, ideal für Laboranwendungen * - Problemlose Integration dank UL und IEC 61010 Zertifizierung der gesamten Pumpe * - Mit wartungsfreier Magnetkupplung Technologie:Drehschieber Schmierung:geschmierte Anzahl Stufen:Zwei-Stufen Anwendung:Industrie
Церрария Лас Гаунес

Церрария Лас Гаунес

Cerrajería Las Gaunas ofrece servicios de cerrajería de emergencia, apertura de puertas y cambio de cerraduras. De guardia 24h, estamos listos para atender tus urgencias en Logroño. Disponibles siempre que nos necesites, con rapidez y precios competitivos.
Персонализиран уебсайт дизайн

Персонализиран уебсайт дизайн

Custom Website Design Feature: Unique, fully customized websites designed to reflect your brand’s identity, tone, and values. Keywords: custom website design, bespoke web solutions, brand-aligned design Benefit: A memorable, professional website that stands out from competitors, attracting your target audience and enhancing brand perception. User-Centered UI/UX Design Feature: Intuitive and engaging UI/UX design that improves visitor interaction and retention. Keywords: user-friendly web design, UI/UX design, intuitive website navigation Benefit: Visitors are guided effortlessly through your site, increasing engagement, reducing bounce rates, and encouraging conversions. Responsive Web Design Feature: Responsive design to ensure optimal display and functionality across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Keywords: responsive website design, mobile-friendly web design, cross-device compatibility Benefit: A seamless experience on any device, improving user satisfaction, increasing mobile traffic, and boosting your site’s SEO ranking. SEO-Optimized Website Development Feature: Integration of SEO best practices during development to help your website rank well on search engines from day one. Keywords: SEO-friendly web design, search engine optimization, on-page SEO Benefit: Enhanced visibility in search results, leading to increased organic traffic and the potential for higher conversions and revenue. High-Performance & Fast-Loading Websites Feature: Optimized coding and image compression to ensure quick load times and efficient site performance. Keywords: fast-loading websites, website performance optimization, high-speed web development Benefit: Faster load times lead to improved user experience, better SEO, and reduced bounce rates, all contributing to higher engagement. CMS Integration (Content Management System) Feature: Easy-to-use CMS like WordPress for managing and updating website content effortlessly. Keywords: CMS integration, WordPress development, easy content management Benefit: Control over website updates without technical assistance, empowering you to keep content fresh and relevant for users. Secure & Reliable Hosting Options Feature: Partnership with secure hosting providers, offering SSL certificates and regular backups. Keywords: secure web hosting, SSL certificates, reliable website hosting Benefit: Protects your site and user data, increasing trust and confidence for your audience, which is crucial for online credibility. E-Commerce Capabilities Feature: Customized e-commerce functionalities that are tailored to business needs, including shopping cart integration, payment processing, and product catalog setup. Keywords: e-commerce web design, secure online shopping, product catalog setup Benefit: Streamlines the shopping experience, boosts customer satisfaction, and increases online sales.
Дървени къщи Малага

Дървени къщи Малага

Somos una empresa especializada en la venta de casas de madera prefabricadas en Málaga. Nos comprometemos a ofrecer a nuestros clientes la mejor calidad, diseño y eficiencia energética. Nacemos con la ilusión de convertirnos en una empresa de referencia el sector inmobiliario en base a la elegancia, solidez y resistencia que ofrecen las viviendas de pino y abeto de los países bálticos Nuestro equipo de profesionales tiene una amplia experiencia en la construcción de casas de madera. Nos encargamos de todo el proceso, desde el diseño hasta la construcción, para garantizar que nuestros clientes reciben un producto de la más alta calidad. Con mucho esfuerzo, siempre intentamos satisfacer las necesidades de cada uno de nuestros clientes con el empeño y dedicación que le pondríamos a nuestra propia casa.
ERA MILANO - Производство на Private Label на ризи

ERA MILANO - Производство на Private Label на ризи

Possiamo lavorare sia CMT che Fully Factory. Offriamo servizio CAD di modellistica e produzione via SMS.
Defensorum Abogados Sevilla

Defensorum Abogados Sevilla

¡Mejor Despacho de Abogados en Sevilla! Más allá de los códigos y las leyes, en Defensorum Abogados creemos en las personas. Sabemos que detrás de cada caso hay una historia y unas emociones. Por eso, le ofrecemos un trato humano y cercano, adaptado a sus necesidades individuales. Nuestro despacho de abogados en Sevilla está especializado en Derecho civil, penal, laboral, administrativo y mercantil, permitiéndonos defender sus intereses con la mayor eficacia y compromiso, acompañándole en cada momento para ofrecerle la confianza y tranquilidad que usted necesita. Llámenos ahora.
Посещение на Ватиканските музеи, Сикстинската капела и базиликата - Пълен тур с сертифициран гид.

Посещение на Ватиканските музеи, Сикстинската капела и базиликата - Пълен тур с сертифициран гид.

Dopo aver ammirato il Cortile del Belvedere, il percorso comincia dalla Pinacoteca con grandiose opere di Giotto, Beato Angelico, Perugino, Raffaello, Leonardo, Tiziano, Veronese, Caravaggio e altri… un vero percorso nella storia dell’ arte. Apprezzerete innumerevoli capolavori come le splendide “Stanze di Raffaello”, le preziose sculture greche e romane e soprattutto le Stanze degli Arazzi e quelle delle Carte Geografiche. Nel “Cortile Ottagono” cuore della visita ai musei vaticani, ammirerete importanti sculture come i famosi Laocoonte e Apollo del Belvedere, oltre al Perseo di Canova. La Basilica, ultima tappa della visita ai Musei Vaticani vi darà il benvenuto con la “Pietà” di Michelangelo, ma altre opere d’arte e l’ampiezza della Basilica, la più grande al mondo, vi sbalordiranno! la visita ai Musei Vaticani terminerà con l’abbraccio degli immensi colonnati curvi della piazza e con la vista del Balcone del Papa.
Техническа поддръжка

Техническа поддръжка

Cooperation with the designer The characteristics of Bossong anchorages are defined on the base of the specific parameters of each single project, as well as the dimensions of the hole they must be embedded in, that depend on the type of material constituting the substrate. The change of information relating to the knowledge of the building’s state of preservation and of the aims of the provided interventions, drawings and pictures, the pattern of cracks and deformations, as well as the design of interventions, are very important to define the type of anchor that better fits the application and also to evaluate the intervention from the economic point of view. Tests in place The need to give to design engineers the possibility of an assessment of the behaviour of injected anchors in a particular application and in a specific setting has lead Bossong to equip its technician with a mobile instrumentation that allows the execution of onsite tests.
Персонализирано Планиране - Консултация за Избор на Изложбени или Постоянни Инсталации

Персонализирано Планиране - Консултация за Избор на Изложбени или Постоянни Инсталации

Dopo aver recepito le indicazioni di massima del cliente, operiamo sopralluogo nella zona prescelta per studiare e proporre la migliore soluzione alle esigenze di comunicazione esterna del cliente. Selezioniamo mezzi di pubblicità esterna per cartellonistica di posizionamento o direzionale permanente oppure per affissione temporanea.
Курс по италиански език, изкуство и археология

Курс по италиански език, изкуство и археология

- 4 ore di lezione di lingua in classe al giorno; - 2 attività culturali pomeridiane alla settimana col gruppo; - 1 escursione naturalistica e storica alla settimana col gruppo; - 3 pomeriggi dedicati alle attività speciali con l’insegnante specializzato alla settimana – 2 ore di laboratorio artistico Questa parte della Toscana conserva, all’ interno delle sue nicchie ecologiche, una straordinaria sintesi di arte e di archeologia d’Italia; una felice combinazione per approfondire la competenza linguistica e la conoscenza dell’arte.
Биологично студено пресовано зехтин от Саленто

Биологично студено пресовано зехтин от Саленто

Vendita olio extravergine di oliva biologico salentino prodotto da olive nociara e cellina estratto a freddo. Olio extravergine biologico certificato.
Ротационна машина за печат и нанасяне на етикети - Машина, която печата и нанася етикети върху продукти или кашони

Ротационна машина за печат и нанасяне на етикети - Машина, която печата и нанася етикети върху продукти или кашони

Le système d’impression et pose d’étiquette rotatif permet la pose des étiquettes sur deux côtés en une fois. Il permet également la pose en coin. Le tampon applicateur est monté sur un axe de pivotement et présente un bord arrondi. L’APL applique l’étiquette d’abord par l’avant, puis au dessus du bord sur le côté dans le sens de la marche. Il est également possible d’effectuer le codage par l’avant, puis directement sur le côté. Vous pouvez donc réaliser un étiquetage enveloppant avec deux appareils APL Rotary.
нощна екскурзия Стромболи - Панареа - Стромболи

нощна екскурзия Стромболи - Панареа - Стромболи

Panarea – Stromboli Partendo da Marina Corta si costeggia il Monte Rosa proseguendo alla volta di Panarea. Arrivati si sosta alla bellissima baia di Cala Junco per un rilassante bagno e si prosegue costeggiando ,caletta Zimmari e Capo Millazzese ammirando il villaggio preistorico. Si prosegue visitando la grotta degli innamorati fino a giungere al porto per pranzare e girare tra le raffinate viuzze del paesino. Ripartendo si fa il giro panoramico degli isolotti e si prosegue verso Stromboli e dopo aver costeggiato il paesino di Ginostra si prosegue fino al porto per sostare sull’isola e cenare. Al tramonto si riparte a vedere Strombolicchio,un mastodontico scoglio dalla forma di un castello medievale,e si prosegue per sostare sotto la Sciara del Fuoco per assistere,tra un bicchiere di Malasia e biscottini tipici offerti dal capitano,al suggestivo spettacolo dell’eruzione di questo magnifico Vulcano
FOLIAGE ITALIA - Естетичен Дермален Филър

FOLIAGE ITALIA - Естетичен Дермален Филър

Foliage is a range of injectable products based on hyaluronic acid, which is divided into 3 lines, based on the intended use and the degree of crosslinking of the hyaluronic acid. HYDRATION is the line that includes products composed of injectable, sterile and absorbable gel, based on free hyaluronic acid. LIPS and FACE constitute the subdivision of the intradermal products based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid. The latest innovation introduced in the preparation of raw materials is the so-called "conservative crosslinking". This process allows to obtain an extremely homogeneous product, which integrates perfectly with the skin tissues.


Fierce competition is one of the main challenges logistics companies face. That’s why if you want to outrun your rivals, you need to rethink the way your business works, not just automate the established processes.


Локализация - Безупречна локализация на софтуер, приложения, игри, уебсайтове и др.

Локализация - Безупречна локализация на софтуер, приложения, игри, уебсайтове и др.

Alconost ist ein zuverlässiger Partner für Ihre Lokalisierungsstrategie. Ob es um Websites übersetzen oder Videospiele lokalisieren geht, können wir behilflich sein. Auf unserer Website finden Sie eine Preistabelle zu Übersetzungen in mehr als 100 Fremdsprachen.
Апартамент с допълнителен лукс за продажба във Флоренция

Апартамент с допълнителен лукс за продажба във Флоренция

Firenze. Appartamento extra lusso in vendita sul Lungarno di Firenze, in pieno centro storico.
Пластмасова Кутия за Обяд - PSG - ОБЯД PSG

Пластмасова Кутия за Обяд - PSG - ОБЯД PSG

Частен Лимузинен Тур: Най-доброто от Рим - 4-часов тур

Частен Лимузинен Тур: Най-доброто от Рим - 4-часов тур

Forget subways or buses and take a chauffeured journey by limo service in Rome on this private 4-hour tour. Enjoy personalized attention from your driver (or, if you like, a driver and a guide) and get an eye-opening look at historic neighborhoods. Listen to in-the-know commentary and capture marvelous city views. The more you discover, the more you will want to see.
Тур на Амалфийското крайбрежие - Турове и трансфери в Кампания

Тур на Амалфийското крайбрежие - Турове и трансфери в Кампания

Servizio di trasferimento privato,o collettivo ; da/per qualsiasi località Campana. Il nostro parco mezzi comprende: auto,van, minibus ed autobus. Tour guidati in Campania. Trasferimento da/per aereoporto internazionale di Capodichino, Napoli. Il nostro servizio viene svolto con professionalità e l'utilizzo di mezzi all'avanguardia. Per ulteriori informazioni contatta il nostro ufficio. Saremo lieti di poter soddisfare le vostre esigenze.
Униформи за Правоохранителни Органи

Униформи за Правоохранителни Органи

Malaika Textilprodukte für den Sicherheitssektor: Speziell für Polizei und Militär Malaika Textile übernimmt mit seiner Produktpalette eine Vorreiterrolle im Sicherheitssektor, die auf die Bedürfnisse von Strafverfolgungskräften wie Polizei und Militär unter schwierigen Bedingungen zugeschnitten ist. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig entwickelt, um spezielle Anforderungen wie Haltbarkeit, Funktionalität, Komfort und Tarnung zu erfüllen. Sehen Sie sich unsere Produkte an. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unseren Produktionsprozess. Fordern Sie ein Preisangebot an.
Услуги за наем на автобуси в Европа

Услуги за наем на автобуси в Европа

Leader dans le transport de passagers en autocar/autobus et minibus avec chauffeur. Avec la plus grande flotte d’Europe, notre réseau soigneusement choisi de conducteurs professionnels et de véhicules de loisirs disponibles à la location s’étend sur le continent et au-delà.